Welcome to Marvin Gülker’s web pages. I am a German jurist and programmer who writes in this blog about topics of personal interest. You can also find pointers to my recent academic works here. You may subscribe to this website.

Latest Blog Articles

Ending ruby-xz

I stop the maintenance of ruby-xz.

Tip: Check for Pandoc in LaTeX

It is possible to check in a LaTeX document whether it is being processed by Pandoc.

The End of Freenode – the End of IRC?

This article takes a look at the events surrounding Freenode and Libera.Chat in a wider context regarding IRC in general. It is proposed that even though there exists a lot of uncertainty at the moment, specifically the destructive behaviour of Freenode’s new operators could actually benefit IRC more than it damages it.

Private Classes and Constants in Ruby

This article provides an overview of private classes and constants in the Ruby programming language.

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